Certified Health Coaching

Would you like to know more about Health Coaching?

A Health Coach, following the NBHWC standards, is a specialist in behavioral change (you can read more about it here, https://nbhwc.org/what-is-a-health-coach).

The Health Coaching relationship is one of trust and respect that holds your ideal of Health and Wellness in the center of the picture, and helps you bring it to realization. We cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat. We guide people in making healthy lifestyle choices,  clients create goals themselves. We use proven, evidence-based methods from positive psychology, communication, and other coaching techniques to approach the process of change. We strive to listen deeply, have unconditional positive regard for our clients. We help them amplify their imagination, create smart goals, acquire the resources necessary and sustain the energy to realize a Health and Well-being Vision that is unique to them. 


Please complete the brief registration form here, then email geor@eljardinstudio.com to schedule an initial consultation.



Please complete the following forms which may be filled in 'online', save the PDF documents with your name added to the file and email to Geor@ElJardinStudio.com before your initial appointment. Thank you.

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